Adjusting to Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers bond to the facial surface of the teeth to conceal virtually any aesthetic imperfection, including dental stains, discoloration, gaps or spacing issues, and minor cases of dental damage.

Because porcelain veneers are so thin, most patients do not even notice they are there; they simply feel like a natural part of the smile. However, that degree of comfort may not come right away. Patients should anticipate a short adjustment period after treatment is complete. Dr. Thomas Tang is happy to offer our Brookfield, WI patients some tips to make adjusting to porcelain veneers even easier.

Give Yourself Time

The adjustment period following the placement of porcelain veneers tends to be pretty brief. Porcelain veneers are roughly the width of a contact lens, so it usually only takes a couple of weeks for them to start to feel like a natural part of the smile.

Still, patients can get impatient during that time period, and may start to wonder if the new sensations are normal. Just try to be as patient as possible with the process, follow proper aftercare instructions, and before long, you’ll probably forget the veneers are in place.

Be Gentle on the Teeth

It is unlikely that our Brookfield patients will experience any significant discomfort while they adjust to porcelain veneers. However, biting and chewing may feel strange for a few days.

It is a good idea to be gentle on the teeth until the bite starts to feel more normal. Patients should avoid foods that are hard, crunchy, or chewy. It is also important to avoid biting on non-food objects, like pens or bottlecaps, as this could damage the new veneers.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Heightened tooth sensitivity is one of the most common side effects of porcelain veneers treatment. The sensitivity should not be extreme, and isn’t likely to last for more than a week or two, but it can cause some discomfort if patients aren’t careful.

The best way to minimize sensitivity is to avoid extreme temperatures. Soup, coffee, or tea should be lukewarm, and ice cream, popsicles, or ice-cold beverages should be avoided until sensitivity subsides.

Many patients also find it helpful to use a toothpaste designed for sensitivity following porcelain veneers treatment.

Practice Makes Perfect

While it is a good idea to take caution, we urge our Brookfield patients to continue biting, chewing, and practicing other oral functions.

This can be especially helpful for people who experience a slight speech impediment after their veneers have been placed. If there are certain words or sounds that seem to cause problems, practice saying them frequently. Within a short amount of time, the speech should return to normal and other oral functions should feel completely comfortable and natural.

Contact Us

If you would like to learn more about the porcelain veneers placement process, or whether you may be an ideal candidate for this cosmetic dentistry treatment, contact us at your earliest convenience. You can also schedule an appointment to discuss your cosmetic concerns with Dr. Thomas Tang by calling (262) 207-4867.

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